2AeM is a cooperative design effort composed of the 3 young Midwestern-sprung, spread-the world-out, out-and-out Architecture student-architects: nicholas m. reiter, Jessie Wilcox and Peter Nguyen. The team base was originally Milwaukee, WI but since has become a mobile abstraction or a state of mind. 2AeM is sometimes physical, sometimes sober, partially virtual, usually vocal, and all-the-time IN-it.
We are track jumpers, demons, villains and observing you right now. Design is the New and so are the Stakes.
soft sunlight pours in through the corner as a gentle breeze oscillates above a bed of feathers. the 'snow' arcs in waves within a transparent boundary.
tokujin says, "the variety of the essence in the nature touches our emotions. i intend not to reproduce them, but to pick the element that inspires our heart and integrate it into the design."
a snowscape of feathers. beautiful.