“This initiative invited the architecture, design and engineering community to collaborate directly with students and teachers to rethink the classroom of the future. Designers entering the competition were given a simple mandate: collaborate with real students in real schools in their community to develop real solutions,” explained Cameron Sinclair, the co-founder for Architecture for Humanity and this competition.
some of my favorites include;

adaptable hillside classroom
design team: feilden clegg bradley studios & architecture for humanity UK
engineering team: buro happold
partner/ location: bunyonyi community school, kabale, uganda

classroom for salt pan community
design team: rajesh kapoor, prashant solanky, bharat karamchandani, kiran vaghela, gujarat, india
partner/location: cohesion foundation, kutch, gujarat, india

house in the wood
design team: built form, llc / northwestern university settlement house, chicago, united states
partner/location: northwestern university settlement house, delavan, wisconsin, united states

justified architecture in a landscape of transformation
design team: arquitectura justa - wolfgang timmer, fabiola uribe, t. luke young, bogota, colombia
partner/ location: waldorf educational & social organization, ciudad bolívar, bogota, colombia
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