2AeM is a cooperative design effort composed of the 3 young Midwestern-sprung, spread-the world-out, out-and-out Architecture student-architects: nicholas m. reiter, Jessie Wilcox and Peter Nguyen. The team base was originally Milwaukee, WI but since has become a mobile abstraction or a state of mind. 2AeM is sometimes physical, sometimes sober, partially virtual, usually vocal, and all-the-time IN-it.
We are track jumpers, demons, villains and observing you right now. Design is the New and so are the Stakes.
BlickFang 2010
Heres an interesting design build project that recently caught my attention. while my search for the holy grail I found myself looking at Voronoi geometry. of course I can't say I understand it since I am still in the beginning process of learning parametric ideas, But... I can say I like it :P heres something on the side that reminded of what I was looking at.
the project is pretty wild yet simple, all the extruded (Packed) pentagons point and bend towards a certain object in the exhibition. and on top of that changes thickness from top to bottom I'm guessing for structural reasons.
There is a simple 3 and 4 prong solution that holds the pieces together. I have also recently ran into a plugin for rhino called Rhinonest, its used for so for to unwrap models and tag them for fabrication, maybe in a couple of months I'll figure it out so we can use it for something interesting :D
heres the link for where I found it originally.
and heres the link for their own blogs and updates.
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