after reading this article i was expecting to see BP's stock plummet. to my amazement it's only dropped about $1. wtf?! why would anyone still be on board with this tycoon of corner cutting?

since 2007 BP has been trying to revamp their image. casting themselves as exemplars of safety. but, as this nytimes has reported in a pointed article, this has clearly not been the case after a series of catastrophes and blatantly ignoring warning signs. the company is destroying the natural ecologies of north america; an explosion in texas, shoddy construction on a mega-platform in the gulf, spills in alaska, and the most notorious - the deep water horizon explosion in the gulf last april.

and after all this, our government is still allowing BP to run headlong into more risky operations, jumping through loopholes and ravaging our natural ecologies. responsibility has been shifted all around for the last 3 months, and we still don't have a solution. oil is still gushing into gulf waters. the monster is still loose. i can't believe it.
for an abbreviated overview check out the time line. it frustrates me to no end. BP has the capability, capital and resources to do things right, yet they're hypnotized by the all mighty bottom line. where are the values?!
we need to curb our addiction. if these events don't offer us the opportunity to seriously reconsider our energy options and shift to more sustainable, alternative forms i fear loosing hope.
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